Class Notes From Rajan Mital

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[Total No. of Questions: 8] [Total No. of Printed Pages: 2]

B.E. (First Semester) Examination, May, 2004
(New Scheme)

Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note: Attempt any five questions.

1. (a) What is an Accident? What are the common causes of any accidents? 14
(b) Write short note on First Aid. 6

2. Write a short notes on the following: 4 each
(a) Grey Cast iron
(b) White cast iron
(c) Malleable cast iron
(d) Nodular cast iron
(e) Alloy cast iron

3. Describe the following with the help of suitable sketches: 5 each
(a) Rolling
(b) Extrusion
(c) Blanking
(d) Piercing

4. (a) Describe moulding and constituents. 6
(b) Explain the effects of various additives used in moulding sand. 8
(c) Write a short note on casting defect 6

5. (a) With the help of neat sketch, show the various parts of planner machine. 12
(b) Differentiate between shaper and slotter. 8

6. (a) Explain resistance welding in details. 10
(b) With the help of a chart, show the classification of welding processes? 10

7. (a) What general considerations are made in preparation of the layout of an industrial concern?
(b) Compare process layout with a line layout. 10

8. Write short notes on the following: 5 each
(a) Basic steps in casting
(b) Tube extrusion
(c) Tool wear
(d) Welding defects

B.E. 1st Semester (New Scheme) Examination
Paper –ME-121-D

Time allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Differentiate between Plant Layout and Shop Layout. Why a combination layout is preferred? 10
(b) Explain various types of manufacturing processes with examples. 10

2. (a) What are commonly used hand tools in carpentry shop? Sketch and explain any five. 10
(b) Sketch and label parts of a micrometer, mention its types least count and material. 10

3. (a) What is an accident? What are the types of accidents? How accidents can be prevented in a machine shop? 10
(b) What do you mean by First Aid? Explain classification of fires and their extinguishers. 10

4. (a) What is a pattern? Why allowances are provided on a pattern? Explain the various types of allowances with neat sketch. 10
(b) What are causes and remedies of the commonly found casting defects? 10

5. (a) Classify various welding processes. 5
(b) Explain the technique, equipment and their applications in Resistance welding. 15

6. (a) What are the characteristics and uses of Coolent in the machine? 10
(b) How do N/C machine differs from conventional machine? 5
(c) Write the advantages and limitations of unconventional machining processes. 5

7. (a) What are advantages and limitations of power metallurgy processes? 5
(b) Differentiate between blanking and punching processes. 5
(c) Discuss the various types of metal forming processes. 10

8. Write short notes on any four: 20
(a) Extrusions
(b) Welding Defects
(c) Fluxes used in welding processes
(d) Method of moulding
(e) Hot working and cold working

B.E. 1st Semester (New Scheme) Examination, December -2002

Paper –ME-121-D

Time allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note: Attempt any five questions.

1. (a) Explain how raw materials are converted into Product/Services in a workshop. 6
(b) What are the objectives of making plant layout? Explain various types of plant layouts. 14

2. (a) Justify the statement, “Accident does not happen. It is caused “ Explain the various causes of accidents. 10
(b) What are the causes of Fire in Industries? How fire can be prevented and fought? 10

3. (a) Draw the sketch of a Vernier Height Gauge. List its parts, their materials and least counts. 10
(b) Sketch and describe five hand tools used in Foundry Shop. 10

4. What is pattern? Sketch and explain various types of patterns used in Foundry.
Write the name of pattern making materials. 20

5. (a) Differentiate between Shaper and Planer Machine. 6
(b) Explain the process of Metal Cutting. Write the types of chips and the parameters responsible for their production. Supplement your answers with sketches. 14

6. (a) Give the various classifications of Welding. Explain them in brief. 10
(b) Sketch a Gas welding set and label its parts. Show various types of Flames with temperature. 10

7. (a) Step-by-step describe making a Sheet Metal component with sketches. 10
(b) What is Forming Process? How it is done? What are its merits and demerits? 10
8. Write short notes on any three: 20
(a) Extrusion
(b) Power Metallurgy
(c) Principles of Hot Working
(d) Casting defects
(e) Function of a Riser.

B.E. 1st Semester (New Scheme) Examination, May -2002

Paper –ME-121-D

Time allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note: Attempt any five questions.

1. (a) Explain how study of Workshop Technology is helpful for Engineers. 6
(b) Differentiate between Production and Manufacturing. Give the various examples to explain different types of manufacturing processes. 14

2. (a) What is First Aid? Why a workshop requires a First Aid box? What are the contents of a First Aid box? 10
(b) What are the causes of Industrial Fire? How can it be prevented? 10

3. (a) Sketch and write the applications of any five hand tools used in a Forging Shop. 10
(b) Draw the sketch of a Vernier Micrometer, label its parts, materials and write its accuracies (i.e. least count) and uses. 10

4. (a) What are the allowances provided on patterns? Explain with sketch. Name the pattern making materials. 10
(b) Sketch a raw casting along with its constituents and label them. Write the functions of Risers and Chaplets. 10

5. (a) Write specifications of Lathe 10
(b) Write characteristics and functions of coolant. 10

6. (a) What is welding? Explain with sketches various classification of Resistance welding. 10
(b) What is Electrode? What are its types? Write the application of different types of Electrodes. 10

7. (a) What are the commonly used tools in sheet metal working? Explain how they are used? 10
(b) Differentiate among Blanking, Punching and Piercing. 10

8. Write short notes on any three: 20
(a) Write drawing
(b) Production of Metal powders
© Principles of Hot working
(d) Casting defects.

B.E. 1st Semester (New Scheme) Examination
Paper –ME-121-D
Maximum Marks : 100
Minimum Pass Marks: 40%
Note: Attempt any five questions.

Before answering the question-paper candidates should ensure that they have been supplied to correct and complete question paper. Complaints in this regard, if any will not be entertained after the examination.

1. (a) What are the objectives of study of Workshop Technology? 5
(b) Give the various classifications of manufacturing processes.
When and why are secondary processes used? Explain any one of secondary process with sketch. 15

2. (a) What is accidents? Give the various classification of accidents and write their preventions. 10
(b) What is first aid? What are the main contents of a first aid box? Mention their uses. 10

3. (a) Sketch and explain the uses of five hand tools used in fitting section. 10
(b) Sketch and label the parts of a Vernier Height Gauge. Write its least counts and applications. 10

4. (a) Sketch an unfettled casting showing risers, runners, ingates. 10
(b) What are the steps in manufacturing a casting from a blue print? Explain them. 10

5. (a) How a lathe machine is specified? Explain with sketches. 10
(b) Sketch a single point cutting tool and mention various angles. 10

6. (a) What is Welding? Classify welding processes. How does fusion welding differ from pressure welding? 10
(b) Sketch and explain various types of flames used in gas welding along with temperature range. What are the precautions needed while welding? 10

7. (a) What are steps required for manufacturing a sheet metal tray from the raw blank? Explain with figures. 10
(b) Sketch and explain the different types of extrusion processes and their uses.

8. Write short notes on any two to the following: 10,10
(a) Cupola Furnace
(b) Allowances in Pattern Making
(c) Wire drawing

314 A/2001
B.E. 1st Semester (New Scheme) Examination
Paper –ME-121-C
Maximum Marks : 100
Minimum Pass Marks: 40%
Note: Attempt any five questions.

1. What do you mean by Plant Layout and explain the various types of plant layouts with their sketches and relative merits and demerits. 20

2. What is accidents? What are the causes of accidents in a Mechanical workshop and an electrical workshop? How can they be prevented? 20

3. What are the commonly used measuring tools in a workshop? Sketch and label the parts of the following measuring instruments and write their least counts and uses:-
(a) Vernter calipers
(b) Combination set. 20

4. Sketch and label the parts of the following Machine tools :-
(a) Lathe
(b) Shaper

5. What is welding? Classify welding processes sketch and explain the following welding processes and their uses:
(a) Spot welding
(b) Scam welding

6. Sketch and label the parts of a cupola furnace. Write the various zones of cupola along with temperature and reaction taking places at various zones? How is molten metal separated from slag?

7. Sketch and explain the various types of Extrusion Processes. Write its applications and limitations.

8. Write short notes on any three of the following:-
(a) Powder metallurgy
(b) Allowances in a pattern
(c) Blanking and punching
(d) Forming process.

314 MAY/2001
B.E. 1st Semester (New Scheme) Examination
Paper –ME-121-C
Maximum Marks : 100
Minimum Pass Marks: 40%
Note: Attempt any five questions.

1. (a) How primary shaping processes differ with secondary shaping processes?
Discuss with suitable examples. List each process separately? 10
(b) Justify the statement “Group layout is the combination of line layout and the functional layout” with sketch and examples. 10

2. (a) What is accidents? What are its common sources? How they can
be prevented. 10
(b) What are the safety measures mandatory for an Industry as per Safety Act
regulation. 10

3. (a) Sketch and label the parts of Vernier height gauge. Mention its accuracies
(least counts) and uses. 10
(b) Sketch and label the parts of a Bench vice. Write the materials of each part.

4. (a) Sketch and explain the difference between Match plate pattern and Gated
(b) List the steps required for production of a casting from a given blue print
(Drawing). How castings may be rejected during fettling operation?

5. (a) Sketch a simple Bench drilling machine and label its parts. 10
(b) What are the functions properties and types of cutting fluids. 10

6. (a) What is welding? Classify the various welding process with brief
description 10
(b) What are the safety tools and equipments used in welding and why. 10

7. (a) What is cold working? When and why it is used? Explain various cold
working process in brief. 10
(b) How a rectangular tray type component can be manufactured? Explain step by step. 10

8. (a) Extrusions (b) Powder metallurgy (c) Rolling 10+10

595 MAY/2001
B.E. 1st Semester (New Scheme) Examination
Paper –ME-121-D
Maximum Marks : 100
Note: Attempt any five questions.

1. (a) Distinguish between plant layout and shop layout. 5
(b) Justify the statement “Combination layout is the integration of line layout
and process layout “Supplement your answer with sketches. 15
2. (a) Explain the various fires and fire extinguishers. 8
(b) Why first aid station is required in Industry? Explain the contents
of a first aid box along with their applications. 12

3. (a) What are the commonly used hand tools in a fitting shop? Describe
any three of them with sketches. 10
(b) Draw a neat sketch of Vernier height gauge, label its parts and write its accuracies and uses. 10

4. (a) Describe various types of allowances usually given in a pattrn. 10
(b) Differentiate between moulding sand and core sand.
(c) Explain various types of cores used in casting process.

5. Sketch a simple lathe. Name the various operations performed on a lathe. Write the complete specifications for purchasing a lathe. 5+5+10

6. (a) What is resistance welding? Sketch and compare spot welding with seam welding. 12
(b) Describe the process of Smith Welding and its applications. 8

7. (a) Explain step by step manufacturing of a sheet metal tray from the raw sheet. 12
(b) Differentiate between blanking and punching. 8

8. Write short notes on any three :
(a) Rolling
(b) Production of Metal powders
(c) Wire drawing
(d) Extrusion
(e) Characteristics of coolant. 8+6+6

595 January /2001
B.E. 1st Semester (New Scheme) Examination
Paper –ME-121-D
Maximum Marks : 100
Note: Attempt any five questions.

1. (a) Explain the objectives of the Study of Workshop Technology. 5
(b) Distinguish between primary shaping processes and secondary shaping processes 5
(c) Explain the various types of manufacturing processes with examples. 10

2. (a) What is Accident Classify accidents and suggest methods for prevention of accidents in a Machine Shop. 12
(b) What are the safety measures recommended with reference to factory act regulation? 8

3. (a) Sketch and describe any five commonly used hand tools in a carpentry section. 10
(b) Draw a neat sketch of Vernier Callipers, lable its parts, mention its accuracies and applications. 10

4. (a) Explain the necessary steps in manufacturing a component by casting method. 8
(b) Sketch and explain various types of patterns. 12

5. (a) Sketch and label the parts of a shaper 8
(b) Differentiate between shaper and Planer. 4
(c) Sketch and label the parts of a single point cutting tools. 8

6. (a) What is welding? How Gas welding differs from Electric Arc welding? Explain with sketches. 8
(b) Explain the various types of electrodes with their applications. 12

7. (a) Differentiate between Hot working and Cold working 8
(b) Explain step-by-step manufacturing of a single point cutting tool by powder metallurgical process. 12

8. Write short notes on any three:
a. Shearing and punching
b. Blanking and piercing
c. Wire drawing
d. Welding flames
e. Characteristics of cutting fluid 8+6+6

B.E. 1st Semester (New Scheme) Examination
Paper –ME-121-C
Maximum Marks : 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. a. What do you mean by Plant Layout? How does it differ with shop layout? Sketch and explain suitable layout of a Foundary shop.
b. Explain with examples various types of manufacturing process

2. a. What is an accident? What are the types of accidents? How accidents can be prevented in a Machine shop?
b. Write the causes of Industrial fire and its prevention as well as fire fighting.

3. a. Sketch a Vernier calipers, label its parts mention its least counts and uses.
b. List the commonly used hand tools in Foundry section. Sketch and explain any one

4. a. What is a Pattern? What are allowances provided on a pattern and why? Explain with sketches.
b. What are the causes and remedies of the commonly found casting defects?

5. a. Differentiate between Machine and machine tools. Explain the mechanism and types of chips and its formation.
b. Differentiate between tool specification and tool signature of a single point cutting tool.

6. a. Sketch a Gas welding set and label its parts.
b. Sketch and explain seam welding process with its advantages limitations and uses.

7. a. Sketch and show the parts of a cupola furnace. Write down the chemical reaction taking places a various zones.
b. Step by step explain the production a single point cutting tools by powder Metallurgical method.

8. Write short notes on any two of the following :
a. Blanking an punching
b. Wire drawing
c. Arc welding

314/99 Dec.-1999
B.E. 1st Semester (New Scheme) Examination
Paper –ME-121-C
Maximum Marks : 100
Note: Attempt any five questions.
1. a. Explain the various types of plant layouts with sketches. 10
b. Differentiate between primary and secondary shaping processes. Why and which are the surfaces finishing processes used in manufacturing of components? 10

2. a. What are the commonly used hand tools in fitting section? Describe any
three. 10
b. Sketch and label parts of a Vernier Height Gauge. Mention its uses and least counts. 10

3. a. What is First Aid? What are the contents of a First Aid Box? Explain their
uses. 10
b. Explain the types of accidents, their causes and prevention. 10

4. a. Sketch and label the parts of a Centre Lathe. 10
b. Differentiate between milling machine and shaper. 10

5. a. Define and classify welding processes. 8
b. Sketch and differentiate between spot welding and seam welding. 12

6. a. What are the operations performed in sheet metal work? List the tools used in them. 10
b. Differentiate between the following: 10
i) Punching and Blanking
ii) Punching and Piercing

7. a. What is a pattern? Name its types. What allowances are provided on a pattern? 10
b. Why a core is used in casting process? Explain the process of core making step by step with sketches. 10

8. Write short notes on any three of the following : 7,6,6
i) Smith welding
ii) Wire Drawing
iii) Fire Fighting
iv) Powder Metallurgical Process
v) Hot Rolling